Step one!

The house Is sold and we have moved in with our son and grandson. As we live amongst the boxes and sort out what goes and what stays I am reminded that these things are not who we are. They represent a part of our lives that has influenced us to become who we are now but they are not us. It’s ok to let them go  and be free from the weight and responsibility of them.

I am excited to begin the next chapter of our lives and see what God has in store for us. There are new memories to be made and new friendships to embrace. This is just the beginning. The best is yet to come!

Gavin and Mckenzie

I would like to introduce you to Gavin. He and his twin sister McKenzie were adopted out to Betty, Christine Finnbogason, and Heather Elands. ( but obviously Larry also has taken McKenzie under his wing) 

Gavin chose the high adventure of travelling with the Reddoch’s while McKenzie stayed behind to keep an eye on the Womens Health program. It won’t be all boring back in Winnipeg and Chris and Heather have promised to take her to conferences so she will see some of world and not just stay cloistered in the office. Also she will get to go to the new hospital when it opens. HaHa

Gavin will begin to post pictures of his marvellous adventure with the help of adopted mom Betty. No knomes for a 40 year women’s health veteran!

Early morning pondering

it is 730 and I am sitting in the same spot I have on many previous occasions. On the couch with Charlie curled up on my lap reading a book and having my first cup coffee. We are in Austin at a campground we have visited many times on various trips to South Padre Island. I am thinking about those other times and how I always knew I had to go back to work but now there is no going back and I wonder how long it really takes before that becomes a reality in my mind and heart. I miss my friends and the daily chatter but I am happy with the choice I made and am excited to get to the point where I am not thinking about this as a vacation.