It’s NOT beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Everyone has their own experiences and expectations about the holiday season. If we were to believe those Hallmark movies, we would be snuggled up by a roaring fire, sipping hot chocolate after a sleigh ride through the lightly falling snow. Along the way we would have stopped for a skate on the pond, with the more experienced skater catching the other in their arms, before a fall. Christmas carols would waft through the air, and love would abound. How romantic!

December posts from prior years have noted our family’s traditions, so I won’t repeat them now. Except to say we dearly miss sitting down with our grown children and grandchildren tomorrow to celebrate a most special birth, and the joy we experience as a result.

All the quilted wall hangings pictured in previous December posts decorate our motorhome and remind us of the season. And we hope to attend a Christmas candle-light service this evening at our little Chapel By The Sea. Otherwise, it’s 24c here (75f), the sun is shining and we are headed to the beach for the afternoon. Not what we are used to, but we’ll make it work. Lol.

Whatever your traditions and current circumstances, may you experience peace and joy in this holiday season and the year ahead!

Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas and cheers!