“I hear the sweet, sweet sounds of Heaven Fallin’ down, fallin’ down to this earth I hear the sweet, sweetest sounds of Heaven Driftin’ down, driftin’ down to this earth…”
The Rolling Stones, with Lady Gaga (2023)
One of the many magnificent sunsets, falling down to this earth.
While the latest Rolling Stones album “Hackney Diamonds” has been delightfully fallin’ down to my ears, Betty & I have been enjoying the sweet sounds of heaven along the Gulf coast. So we have decided to extend our stay at Galveston Island State Park for another week. Here are just some of the sweet sounds, tastes, and aromas that have been captivating our senses.
The steady rhythm of waves crashing against the shore is a most sweet, calming sound.Betty & Charlie enjoy being washed in the waves, although the salty taste is never quite what Charlie expects.During restful hours spent on the beach, Betty tried to entice me into some basic yoga. Apparently this pose is buddha konasana. lol.The colourful, fragrant flowers growing in the sand added to a beautiful view and ambiance.For a change of scenery, we drove up the shore into Galveston, past this amusement park that juts out into the Gulf.On our way into Galveston, we also passed this unique home, whose renovation was recently featured on HGTV.We pulled up to a fish market visited on previous trips, noting the pelicans are still in competition for the fresh catches.Katie’s Seafood Market is full of the freshest possible catches, including these shrimp, which are brought in off the wharf at the back door.We chose some red snapper and flounder that were resting on bins of ice.The young lady in the centre of this pic filleted them for us, and packed them in ice for the trip back to our campsite.Next door, Katie’s has a restaurant where we could sit outside, overlooking the harbour, as we ate fabulously fresh seafood. I would show the picture of mine, but I couldn’t resist trying it before taking the pic. lol.Because we were outside, we had to watch for scavengers who kept their eyes on our meals…Betty & I thoroughly enjoyed the sweet sights, sounds, and tastes of this bit of paradise. Hope you can also find a place and time to experience the sweet sounds of heaven, fallin’ down to this earth!