As Forest Gump might say: “The weather is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get!” Around the world we are seeing and hearing reports of extreme heat, droughts, floods, landslides, tornadoes, and all manner of other climate change calamities. Forecasts can change quickly, so it makes it a little more difficult to plan ahead for our travels. Fortunately for us, August in Manitoba has been quite a pleasant month – despite a few torrential rain storms that have temporarily flooded our campground. Here’s a bit of an update.
Often by August our flowers have wilted. This month they continue to thrive.A number of baskets of flowers brighten up our site.The flowers and vines in front of our woodpile and barn quilt were started from seed by our dear son, Andrew.The colourful morning glories have reached the top of our trellis, and nicely frame our summer campsite.Our vegetables have also been coming along nicely. These tomatoes should be ripe by next week.As previously noted, our campsite sign had taken a beating from the wet weather on Vancouver Island. This month I stripped off the epoxy that had been lifting and allowing moisture underneath, and sanded back to the bare wood. I had the pictures laminated at Staples again, but used varnish to penetrate and protect the wood this time. The result is darker than I prefer, but hope that it weathers better.Here is the other side of our sign. BTW, I have also routed our name in a similar block of wood, and hope to use it as a back-up, if this third attempt is unsuccessful.This week the warm weather cooperated and we hosted a happy family gathering. From left are Luke and his dog Fuji, Kevin, Georgia, the back of James’ head, Andrew, and the side of Isabella – obviously not a posed photo. lolAndrew, Lisa & Adam enjoy a conversation around the campfire, while Mom prepares dinner at the table in the background, and Charlie eyes Isabella’s hot dog.James stays warm with a blanket from Auntie Mary & Uncle Allon, delivered by Valerie, Kevin, Isabella & Georgia, who have just returned from a trip to the Yukon.Finally, the camera captures a front view of Isabella and James, as they cook hot dogs on the open fire. Note Isabella’s new shirt, commemorating her recent trip on the scenic Top Of The World Highway, out of Dawson City, Yukon. For some reason, the camera was unable to capture Valerie. We’ll just have to wait for another post…As the sun starts to go down, the palm tree lights up, and Andrew, Mom and Charlie enjoy telling stories around the campfire about this summer’s travels.Yesterday, Betty & I made the two hour drive southwest to visit the Morden Corn & Apple festival. We were surprised by how many came out to enjoy this three day annual event.A street in the town of Morden, Manitoba was closed, with tents and attractions set up over many blocks. The line up for a free corn on the cob was at least 2 blocks long, so we opted to purchase some and take it home for dinner. Apparently all available corn was picked locally yesterday, so it was fresh and delicious.
While there is much more that could be said about August in Manitoba, this gives a brief picture of what the month has been like. The leaves are starting to fall at our campsite, and we are preparing our home on wheels for a winter trip south. Forest Gump reminds us that we never know what the weather, or life, will bring, but our hope is that we can enjoy our times together with family and friends, wherever we may be found.