Following the twists and turns, ups and downs of the last post, Betty & I experienced more smooth sailing across the prairies to our summer campsite at Town & Country in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Here’s a brief summary:
Betty & Charlie headed out for a walk during our relaxing stay at Tunnel Mountain Campground in Banff, Alberta.The deer were so plentiful around our campsite that we soon stopped pointing them out. Mt. Rundle in the background, however, can never be taken for granite. Or is that granted? lol On our trip west, we stayed in the large parking lot of a Calgary casino. However, this week the casino was closed, with no-one around. On, Betty found safe parking at Southcentre Mall. They have a dedicated area for rv parking, which can be confirmed by calling mall security at 403-835-4301. Very convenient!Our plan had been for Betty to practice driving in the casino parking lot, but since traffic was light, she headed out on the TransCanada highway. We and others on the road all survived the experience. lolUnlike the Rockies, the prairie road was straight and flat, with little traffic. So Betty enjoyed her time behind the wheel. After leaving Calgary, we had planned on staying at the Flying J Truck stops in Medicine Hat, Alberta, and Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. But we made great time on the empty roads, and stayed in Swift Current’s Walmart parking lot instead, saving an extra night on the road.As in previous west-bound trips, we spent our last night on the road at Elkhorn, Manitoba’s municipal campground, just east of the Saskatchewan border. We again had this quiet little spot (beside the local cemetery) to ourselves.We had dumped our grey and black tanks fine when we were leaving Nanaimo, but when we reached Banff, nothing came out of the grey tank. I thought the line might be frozen, but nothing came out on each subsequent try. When we got set up again at Town & Country in Winnipeg, I contacted rv tech Rick Kornelson about replacing the valve that I thought must be broken. Turns out the grey tank line was clogged with gunk, and Rick was able to get the water flowing again yesterday. Yeah Rick!
So Betty & I are back in site 168, quarantining for the next two weeks. After that we look forward to reconnecting with friends and family again, and enjoying a safe & peaceful summer stay in Manitoba.
Wishing you a safe and peaceful experience, wherever life finds you!