For the past few months, our motorhome has turned into a factory of sorts. New products are being created on a daily basis. And one never knows what to expect!

Fortunately, this factory isn’t one of those dirty, smelly types – no pollution here. Unfortunately, while other factories are intended to make money, this one costs!

All of our bills are relatively low as we shelter in place in beautiful Nanaimo, British Columbia for winter. Except for the fabric, wool, yarn, thread, and all related items Betty can find at a local store or on-line. It’s a high price to pay for this creative genius, but I guess it’s worth it in the end. All of the “products” are give-aways to family and friends, and their appreciation puts smiles on our faces – payment enough!

The day after my last post, North America got hit with a major winter storm, knocking out power in Texas, and stopping or slowing travel across the continent. In one of our favourite destinations – South Padre Island – the sea turtles needed to be rescued and warmed at the convention center, before being released back into the Gulf of Mexico. What an experience for them and their rescuers. We’ve visited the SPI convention center, but have never seen a slower moving crowd of delegates! lol

Nanaimo wasn’t left out of this winterland fun, as the attached pictures show.

For us, the snow lasted almost a week, and now those spring flowers are up and blooming. What a gorgeous sight!

In addition to her quilting, knitting, and sewing creations, Betty didn’t let us down on Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras, or as our family tradition calls it “Pancake Tuesday”. Betty battered up for a delicious feast of “English pancakes” – the skinny, flat kind of crepes that we sprinkle in lemon and sugar, before rolling up and filling our pie holes. Lol

Living in a factory might be considered an unpleasant experience. But our feet are warmed by hand-made bamboo and wool socks. If an evening chill arrives, we can wrap in any number of colourful, comfy quilts. And if and when we venture out, there are wide varieties of colourful masks to wear. What could be better!

Keep comfy and warm and stay safe. The winter’s almost over and Betty’s Colourful, Crafty, Coach Creations continue!
