If you have read the last couple of entries, you will have noticed my curmudgeon mood for the past month. The incessant rain has for now apparently ceased for a while, but the dark days are still with us for a few more weeks. (I haven’t felt the sun on my face for over a month now.) I have a telephone consultation booked with my rheumatologist in hopes of adjusting my meds. But in the meantime I am not used to this painful limited range of motion. With the coronavirus continuing to spread around the world, we are all having to get used to a more limited range of motion, so I shouldn’t complain…

Betty & I will miss getting together with our family in Winnipeg for Christmas. There are so many traditions we have taken for granted that will not occur this year – from many small and large family gatherings, to joining with the rest of an audience to stand as Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” is performed.

As is her nature, Betty has worked hard to bring some Christmas cheer into our little home on wheels. Following are a few of her handicrafts:

So we just have a few more weeks until the dark days are over (or should that be as Florence + the Machine sang – The Dog Days Are Over. lol). Lighter days are to come, and vaccines for COVID-19 are on the horizon. My arthritis meds will be adjusted, and Betty & I will dance with Joy To The World! In the meantime, she is forcing me to watch every sappy Christmas movie on TV. Guess I can’t stay a curmudgeon forever!

Hope you can recognize the true gifts of peace and joy in this world, whatever your circumstances. For now, keep social distancing, wear your masks, but still have some wonderful Christmas cheer.
