“Well I’ve heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music, do you? Well it goes like this: The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah”
Andrew plays a chord while Valerie listens.
As our eldest son, Andrew, played the chords of Leonard Cohen’s song, Hallellujah, in the backyard of our Phoenix-area rented home, Betty & I enjoyed the company of our family for a belated Christmas celebration. We were in a community appropriately named Anthem, Arizona! Our fabulous week together can best be summed up in one word: Hallellujah!
Our belated Christmas family gathering. Back row: Graham,Adam, Lisa, Valerie, Andrew, Allon. Front row: Kevin, Georgia, Betty, Isabella, Luke & James, with the wrong end of Charlie in front.
For the first time in 40 years, we had not been together with our family for end-of-December festivities. Betty & I were anxious for a happy gathering to take place.
Before our family’s plane landed, Betty & I enjoyed an Arizona sunset over our backyard bbq area.
We didn’t want to drive our motorhome back to Winnipeg, necessitating winterizing and de-winterizing, and we didn’t want to put our aging golden doodle, Charlie, in a kennel and fly home. So we said to our family: “If we rent a house in Phoenix, will you come and spend a belated Christmas with us in January, when flights are cheaper again?” They all answered “yes”, and our gathering last week was the result. As a bonus, my brother, Allon, was able to fly down from the Yukon to spend a couple of days with us as well. A great time was had by all, with the following pictures providing some evidence.
Our now 12 year old Isabella chills in a backyard seating area with her Nana and Uncle Andrew. That’s not real grass, btw, this is Arizona…Luke and James try a game of bocce ball, while Adam, Georgia, Valerie & Lisa relax in the sunshine.Our yard also included a putting green, with some holes more difficult than others… Not pictured are the beanbag toss game and tetherball court.Andrew lines up a shot in the billiards room.Lisa takes a break in the backyard hammock.James, Isabella & Georgia challenge Nana to a game of Monopoly in the family room, while Charlie watches the fun. Note the home owners left the Christmas tree and some decorations up for us – much thanks!For one of our day trips, family members went fruit-picking on a local farm. The various types of fresh oranges and grapefruit were delicious!Another day trip was to the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction in Scottsdale, Arizona. Here a 1967 Volkswagen bus is on the block.I missed out on buying this 1961 Nash Metropolitan. Back in the day, I owned two of them – a 1957 & 1959, purchased for $75. for both. I think this one went for a little more…Andrew & Kevin check out this hot yellow Bugatti. I would have bought it, but didn’t like the colour. lol We also went for a hike around nearby Lake Pleasant.Lisa & Adam stand amazed by the giant cactus, on a clear blue sunny Saturday in January.A variety of plants, not seen in Manitoba, caught our attention along the path.This cactus reminded me of directions from our navigator: Which way do we go?Kevin and Valerie share a kiss along the path.Andrew finds himself deep in conversation with his niece, Georgia.Back at our home, it’s time to cool off in the pool. Here James and his dad splash it up.Valerie checks her phone by the pool.Betty takes a break in one of the quiet outdoor seating areas, while Charlie naps nearby. The home had comfortable outdoor seating for approximately 40 people.Bet, Lisa & Valerie consult on meal preparations in the spacious kitchen, while Isabella passes on the way from the pool.For Christmas dinner, Kevin did the honours of carving the birds. And of course, before we began, I had a captive audience for the traditional playing of the Queen’s Christmas message, and the reading of the story of Jesus’ birth from my new NET Bible. As the Queen says: “A happy Christmas to all!”After dinner, Uncle Allon examines a number of family pictures brought by Andrew for the occasion, while Georgia, Betty, Valerie & Andrew look on. Lisa, Andrew, Adam & Betty take on a challenging puzzle, while Uncle Allon tells a story.The northern lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see… Betty, Andrew, Adam & Lisa celebrate completing a challenging puzzle.Lisa plays a late night game of bocce ball.In the evening, we all retired to the patio, warmed by our love for each other and the overhead heater.Andrew gives his older sister, Valerie, a hug.Betty has some snuggle time with her granddaughter, Isabella.Keeping us alive with the sound of music.Andrew plays another chord, while Uncle Allon, Valerie, Betty, Lisa, Georgia and James catch up. Hallelujah!
Overall, it was a wonderful experience for a couple of full-time RVers to spend some quality time with their family. We hope that all who wander this earth can find opportunities to connect in ways that inspire and evoke the response of King George II, on hearing George Frideric Handel’s Messiah: Stand up and sing Hallelujah!