Well over a year ago, Betty & I began plans for the Florida Keys portion of our overlandish odyssey. We had previously visited the Keys by car, staying in a small motel in Marathon, Florida, roughly half way between Key Largo and

Key West. On that trip we had seen amazing Florida State Parks that backed onto the Atlantic Ocean. Some had campsites that

contained at least one palm, a picnic table, fire pit, and sandy beach. Nirvana! Our goal was to spend two weeks in each park (the maximum allowed), moving up and down the Keys based on availability. This turned out to be wishful thinking!

Reservations for each of the State Parks in the Keys can be made 11 months in advance. I researched the campgrounds and chose preferred sites and dates at each. We were in Quartzsite, Arizona 11 months ago, so I got up before 5 am each morning (yawn) in order to book the sites as they became available at 8 am Florida time. If I clicked on the booking a minute early, the site was available but the message said it was too early to

reserve. If I clicked 1 second past the hour, the site was already booked by someone else. This happened nearly every day for 3 – 4 weeks, until I realized that I would never have the speedy connection required to beat the competition. From time to time I checked back, and one day I found one night available at Curry Hammock State Park near Marathon: March 1, 2019. So our Keys adventure was built around that one booking.

Betty & I were able to get into Boyd’s Key West Campground for two nights prior to our Curry Hammock stay, and that gave us a chance to cross

the 42 bridges that lead down to the southern tip of Florida to do some touring around Key West first. We have to say the adventure was amazing, whetting our appetite to return again some day. Following are a few pictures that help tell the story of our joyous journey:

Yes, visiting the sunny, steamy Florida Keys, with
temperatures in the high 80’s f. every day (while the weather back in Winnipeg was well below freezing) was wishful thinking. Betty & I hope that all who wistfully read this might have an opportunity to do their own wishful thinking and enjoy this funtastic sunny tiny tip of Florida some day!

Note: for some reason, some of our best pics (taken in portrait) will not rotate & load. If I figure it out, this post will be updated. We also ate the Key Lime Pie too fast to get pictures, so you’ll just have to use your imagination. lol G.R.