They say John Cabot discovered Cape Breton Island in June 1497, but I am here to record that Betty, Graham, Charlie & Gavin discovered the island in August 2018. This is a brief pictorial rendering of what we found yesterday.
First, we established a new base of operations at Whycocomagh Provincial Park. The park is strategically located, enabling us to conquer the whole island with few retreats, just forward movements.We sent Gavin to act as lookout on the top of this adjacent peak. Unfortunately he left the camera behind, so we don’t have pictures to prove it…We were warned by local inhabitants that we would need to increase our strength in order to conquer the island. Here is Betty working on her muscles. LOLWe encountered this ship just off the coast of Baddeck. I’m pretty sure one of those is a flag of surrender. (Likely one of the big white ones. LOL)As with many of our major offensives, Betty said “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it!”Apparently word got out of our imminent arrival. Here are 2 ferry loads of inhabitants trying to make their escape to Newfoundland & Labrador from the Sydney harbour.They say an army marches on its stomach. Here local fishermen prepare the many lobster traps required to sustain our forward movement.One of the many lighthouses, marking our way down the island’s Atlantic coast.The formidable Gavin is obviously undeterred by the treacherous coastline.Graham captures an image of Betty capturing a high point of land near the Fortress of Louisbourg.Finally, the target of our offensive: The Fortress of Louisbourg, built by the French between 1720 & 1740. It was originally captured by British colonists in 1745, and would have succumbed to a similar defeat in 2018. However, I don’t think dogs are allowed. Sorry Charlie!For $7. our little troop was able to commandeer this ship for a sail across St. Patrick’s Channel to the Reddoch Retreat.What do you mean “Reddoch Retreat”? This band of desperados doesn’t know the meaning of surrender! LOL
Ok, that was yesterday. Most of our future troop movements are a secret (even to us), but we’ll keep you posted if you have the necessary security clearance to receive our updates.