Our overlandish adventure eastward, beside the ever-widening St. Lawrence
The St. Lawrence River continues to widen at L’Isle-Verte
River, reminded us more and more that we were not in Manitoba any longer! Other than the relatively horizontal plain of the river, everything around us was up and down, and it continued that way until we took the ultimate CruiseMaster/ Smart car roller coaster ride to Land’s End, at the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula. Oh, oh, will
Like a prairie field, only it’s water…
we make it down this cliff and up the next one? Stay tuned for the answer. LOL
This post attempts to capture the olfactory, auditory, & visual images that at times seemed so extreme, creating an experience of sensory overload! The further east we drove, the more the air took on the unique fragrance of sea salt. The tides became more extreme, and the waves broke
Free camping at L’Isle-Verte
louder on the shore. But more than anything, it was the unique architecture of homes and churches, the quaint villages nestled in the coves, and the striking vertical landscapes that captured these flat-landers. LOL. Only two dozen pictures were selected from over 300 taken since our last post. We hope they will help to convey the wonder of this amazing land!
Savonnerie artisanale Soap Maker, Marie-Claude, at La Mousse de MerOn the Rimouski boardwalk at low tidePointe-au-Pere lighthouseA submarine takes a wrong turn at Pointe-au-Pere.Church steeples dominate the skylines of nearly all coastal communities.Another church along the roadUnique Quebec architecture on the route. Most homes are well kept with colourful garden flowers in front.Scenic route 132 took us through many small communities along the coast.Well-kept homes with the iconic silver steeple in the background of most communities.
A typical coastal home. What a view!!Small communities are nestled in the sheltered coves along the Gulf of St. Lawrence.Road hazards include, but not limited to: Sharp curves, steep grades (10 -12%), cyclists, pedestrians, moose, snow & ice coming down the cliffs in winter & falling rock in summer. And finally, your car is subject to being overturned by rogue waves, as signalled at many points along our route! (see the 2nd sign from the right)Dramatic striated cliffs meet the road & sea along our route to Gaspe.A stop for dinner & free overnight camping in Pointe-a-la-Frigate. We watched the tide go out and return, with the salt air letting us know that we were transitioning from inland river to majestic sea.Sunset over the St. Lawrence at our free camping spot in Pointe-a-la Frigate.What an amazing roller coaster ride, as we approached Gaspe at Land’s End!Oh, oh! Pictures don’t do justice to the experience of sheer terror from not being able to see the road beyond the crest of the hill, a few feet away. This is followed by the immediate “wow” of another stunning coastal view.The lighthouse at Cap-Does-Rosiers, the highest in the country.Touchdown in the Atlantic, at Forillon National Park.Bet gets a picture of the waves at Cap-des-Rosiers, while Charlie sniffs the rocks, all of which would have been collectable for our grandkids. LOL!
The answer to the question in the first paragraph is “Yes, we survived!” LOL.
Our current campsite at Camping Prevel, between Gaspe & Perce.
Betty & I are now relaxing in a beautiful campground between Gaspé and Percé.We are taking a couple of days to decompress before heading down to see the famous rock, and are sure future posts will continue to differentiate further the characteristics of this amazing land, far from the prairies of Manitoba.