Québec is always rated in the top 10 North American cities, if not

When Betty & I left Île d’Orléans this morning, our plan was to park our motorhome at a Québec City Walmart, and drive the Smart for a quick tour inside the walls of the old city. Parking at the first Walmart was regulated by a connected mall, so we couldn’t stay there. At the second Walmart we couldn’t park because of a city by-law, but we would likely be OK if we went to one out by the airport. Staff were apologetic, and we were disappointed.
While Betty & I have both visited and thoroughly enjoyed the old city on a number of occasions, Charlie must have gotten into something at the winery that upset his stomach, and we doubted he’d be happy cooped up in the motorhome while we toured the city again. So we decided to head for the bridge to the south shore, and explore the more tranquil, rural serenity leading to the Gaspé.

Was it supposed to be est or oeust? Gauche or droite? Samantha (our gps) or Betty (our navigator)? Not wanting to focus too much blame here, but the CruiseMaster ended up cruising hilly, narrow streets it never should have been on!! In spite of our intentions, we ended up seeing much of the city centre, passing the legislative buildings and, if we had turned left instead of right, we would have taken out the old city gate, along with our a.c. and solar panels! I’m sure the modern version of the Plains of Abraham battle wouldn’t have turned out so well for us!
So confession time, the few pics attached to this post were actually taken on a

previous trip. You can tell by the fall colours and heavy coats. For some reason, Betty was buried too deep in maps to take any pictures this time around. LOL
To decompress and catch up on laundry, we have stopped at a nice park called Camping Pointe-aux-Oies in de Montmagny, where the Riviere du Sud joins the Fleuve St-Laurent. It’s still a beautiful day, even if we didn’t go for a walk…
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