Before Betty & I left Williams, Arizona this morning, on our way to Albuquerque, New Mexico, Betty assembled the ingredients for a hearty chicken soup. She added them to our crock pot, and through the marvels of our new solar power, the chicken soup cooked all day as I drove, and provided a tasty evening meal. Yes, chicken soup for the soul(ar)! LOL
We have just finished that delicious offering, having hiked through the Petrified Forest National Park in northeastern Arizona, another park covered by our America The Beautiful pass. We are camped – for free – at the Chrystal Forest RV Campground, thanks to our Harvest Host membership.
The Petrified Forest National Park contains a large assortment of petrified wood, which looks amazingly like both wood and granite, but would surely break any chainsaw attempting to cut it. Millions of years old, it sits in a large area of arid land, which was once a tropical forest.
In the same park is the Painted Desert Inn National Historic Landmark. The many surrounding hills contain an amazing range of colours and shapes, as can been seen in the accompanying photos.
Originally, the choice for this stop was more about selecting a free campsite half way between the Grand Canyon and Albuquerque, but the spectacular sights and the delicious chicken soup both turned out to be good for the soul, as well as the solar…